and how to apply
Princeton ReachOut 56-81-06 typically grants three fellowships each year to graduating seniors who commit to spending their first post-graduation year performing a public interest project. The Domestic and International Fellowships are for individual applicants, and the Paschen Pair Fellowship is for pairs of applicants. The annual stipend for the individual Fellowships is $40,000. The combined stipend for the Paschen Pair Fellowship is $70,000.
The fellowship project should be geared to addressing a societal problem with the expected result being a tangible positive impact on the population that the Fellow proposes to serve. Ideally, the project would be an innovative one. Candidates for ReachOut Fellowships, who need not be U.S. citizens, find a suitable public interest organization that agrees in advance to make a position available, and then work with the organization to devise a significant project or function. Members of the Princeton Classes of 1956, 1981, and 2006 fund the ReachOut 56-81-06 Fellowships, enabling organizations that do not otherwise have the financial resources to sponsor a Princeton graduate. We expect the sponsor to provide resources, guidance, local contacts or other help to the Fellows in carrying out their projects. Although we expect that the fellowship year will be a transformative experience and of great help in whatever field the Fellow proceeds to next, our primary consideration is the expected benefit of the project to the population served.
Criteria for Selection
The principal (although not exclusive) criteria for selection are:
the applicant’s demonstrated commitment to volunteerism and public interest
the significance and lasting impact of the proposed project or function
the mission and effectiveness of the sponsoring organization
the applicant’s academic performance and other personal qualifications
We do not fund:
Research projects
Projects serving animals primarily without a clear benefit to a specific human population
Entrepreneurial activities that yield a financial return
Documentary projects
Ms. Tracy Pogue '81, advisor for International individual and Paschen Pair fellowships, pogue.tracy@gmail.com, tel: (646) 228-2699
Ms. Jean Telljohann '81, advisor for Domestic individual and Paschen Pair fellowships, jtelljohann@gmail.com, tel: (609) 921-1850
Application Procedure:
Princeton Seniors may apply online using the Princeton University Global Programs System (GPS) site.
Applications will be due in early January 2025.
Anyone interested in applying for any of the three ReachOut Fellowships is encouraged to e-mail one of the advisors listed above as early as possible with a description of the potential project and any questions about crafting a viable proposal.
Please follow the format outlined below for submitting an application, which consists of three parts. Please mark each section clearly. Please contact the ReachOut alumni advisors with any questions.
Interview date: Interviews will be held on campus during the first week of the spring semester.
I. Cover Sheet
The cover sheet should be no more than one page and should include the following sections.
Applicant name and concentration at Princeton. Include any certificates you expect to receive at graduation.
Title of Proposed Project. The title of the project should be brief and should easily allow a reader to understand the nature of your proposal.
Affiliations. Name of organization(s) that you propose to affiliate with, together with the name, title, contact information of the person or persons at the organization with whom you have spoken or corresponded, and website, if applicable.
Abstract. A 50-100 word concise abstract of your project.
II. Proposal Narrative
Provide a detailed narrative in the range of 5-8 pages explaining your project. Please include the following sections marked accordingly.
Project How did you identify the particular project you are proposing? Why is it worth doing? What are your relevant skills and experience? Please include a brief breakdown of the various phases of the project, if appropriate; that is, explain how you plan to use your time.
Lasting Impact Will your project have lasting, positive outcomes after you have finished your year? What do you see them as being? How will the organization continue the work you have initiated?
Affiliations With which organization or organizations will you affiliate in the course of pursuing your project?. How did you identify the organization(s)? What can the organization(s) offer your project? Detail any contacts you have had with the sponsoring organization(s).
Feasibility Can your project be accomplished within the timeframe and budget allowed by the fellowship? What challenges or obstacles do you foresee interfering with your success? How do you plan to overcome these?​
III. Budget
Provide a budget for your fellowship (housing and other living expenses, airfare or other travel expenses, and/or any direct project expenses). Please note that ReachOut neither provides health insurance nor pays for a fellow's medical expenses. Therefore, please remember also to include amounts for both health insurance and for other medical expenses in your budget.
IV. Other Application Requirements
Applicants must submit the following materials with the proposal to The ReachOut 56-81-06 Fellowship Selection Committee through the GPS system no later than the deadline.
Academic transcript(s) (one certified original)
At least two letters of recommendation
Letter of endorsement from the sponsoring organization, addressing the questions listed below
One letter of recommendation should be from a member of the Princeton faculty who knows the applicant well enough to assess his or her ability to complete the proposed project successfully. In cases where the applicant’s thesis topic is relevant to the project, a letter from the thesis adviser should be included. If the candidate has been actively engaged in community involvement as an undergraduate, a letter from someone who has supervised or observed the applicant’s work would be welcome.
​The letter of endorsement from the sponsoring organization must address the following set of questions:
Name of Organization:
Organization Size
How many paid staff positions?
How many volunteer staff positions?
Annual Budget?
Organization Mission Statement?
Name, title, and contact information of supervisor who would be the liaison for ReachOut fellowship project
What guidance and resources will the fellow receive from your organization?
Will there be regular meetings or other contact with the fellow?
Please summarize your understanding of the ReachOut fellow’s proposed project
How will the proposed ReachOut project further your organization’s mission?
Did your organization perceive this need prior to contact with the fellowship applicant? Why had the organization not addressed it before?
If not for the ReachOut fellowship, would it be possible for the organization to accomplish the proposed project in some other way?
How will the work product of the fellow be used?
Will the project continue at the end of the year? If so, how will that effort be sustained after the fellow’s departure?
If the fellow you would be sponsoring is chosen to receive a ReachOut fellowship, would you welcome questions about the project from a fellowship committee member over the course of the year?
Are there any questions, concerns or reservations you have about this project now?
Letters of recommendation and the letter of endorsement must be submitted to the Office of Fellowship Advising electronically via the GPS system.
Additional Information:
ReachOut56-81-06 will provide each fellow during his or her term with one or more supportive mentors from the Classes of 1956, 1981, or 2006, or from the group of past fellowship recipients. Progress reports are expected, and upon completion of the project, fellows will be asked to submit a written report to ReachOut56-81-06, and to meet with the ReachOut56-81-06 Board of Trustees to discuss the experience. Past fellows are invited to participate in the selection of future candidates and to otherwise improve the program.
The board of ReachOut56-81-06 is hopeful that the fellowship experience will help motivate those chosen to pursue a lifetime of public interest activities.

You have chosen wonderful students who exemplify the Princeton motto. The classes have every reason to be proud of this project, which provides recognition and opportunity for students who have been committed to public service."
Shirley Tilghman,
Princeton President

I know that I wouldn't be the person I am today without the ReachOut fellowship and my time in Palestine. My decision to take this position [at the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation] was an extension of that experience; it is another way for me to live out my commitment to service and social justice."
Clare Herceg,
Princeton '11

I attribute much of my success to the opportunity I was given by ReachOut 56-81, and consider myself incredibly fortunate to have received a fellowship."
Katie Grim,
Princeton '04